As a Vue user you might have to frequently reach for standard javascript packages, since there isn’t always a Vue flavor, or if there is one it might be abandoned, or you don’t exactly want to mess with a middleman.
What do you do in that case? @Himanshu Sharma has a good writeup in SO.
First approach is on the app.js file (global)
window.x = require('package-name')
The second approach is within the component (local)
import _ from 'lodash';
export default {
created() {
console.log(_.isEmpty() ? 'Lodash is available here!' : 'Uh oh..');
And Third method is using Vue.prototype within app.js or wherever you call Vue (global)
import moment from 'moment';
Object.definePrototype(Vue.prototype, '$moment', { value: moment });
//within component
export default {
created() {
console.log('The time is ' . this.$moment().format("HH:mm"));