Heroku H18 Error on Laravel Large File Upload

I’m experiencing Heroku’s H18 errors uploading large files and passing it to an S3 instance. It happens itermittently. The Heroku docs say the following. Usually, an H18 indicates that a response has multiple stages – forinstance, streaming chunks of a large response – and that one of thosestages has thrown an error.https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/error-codes#h18-server-request-interrupted The docs further … Read more

Fast Insert CSV Data to Laravel From S3

The Story (skip if ya just want the code) I’ve fussed with this problem for weeks. If you need to import massive amounts of csv data (100k to 10mil) to your Laravel site there’s a lot of broken information. Some of it is outdated, others are just bits and pieces. But here’s generally how the … Read more